Exercise Name: Ab Rollout on Knees
Main Muscle: Abs
Secondary Muscle(s): Deltoids and Lats for Stabilization; Lower Back
Equipment Required: Barbell

Ab Rollout Exercise Instructions

This abdominal exercise works the abs and lower back and is the proper version of an ab rollout. This version of the ab rollout is performed on your knees.

It’s no secret that six pack abs are one of the most coveted muscle groups when it comes to a man’s physique. Movie stars have them and women crave them – yet, it is one of the more challenging things to accomplish. Some might even say that a man’s abs are a barometer for how fit he really is. If you’re looking to get six pack abs, you’ve come to the right place. With a little bit of training and the right diet (after all, abs are made in the kitchen – not in the gym), you’ll have washboard abs in no time.

To Perform the Ab Rollout

  1. Place a barbell on the floor in front of you.
  2. Start by knee
    ling in front of the bar, gripping the barbell with a shoulder width overhand grip.
  3. With a slow controlled motion, roll the bar out so that your back is straight, bending your knees and keeping your feet off the floor.
  4. Roll back up bring the bar under your shoulders and return to the starting position.

Ab Rollout Tips

  1. Perform this exercise in a slow and controlled manner.
  2. Keep your arms straight throughout the exercise.

By Daniel