Barbell Military Press Overview

Exercise: Barbell Military Press
Primary Muscle: Deltoid
Secondary Muscle(s): Trapezius, Chest, Triceps
Exercise Type: Compound, Push
Equipment Required: Barbell, Bench

What is a Barbell Military Press?:

This version of the barbell military press is an overview of how to do the exercise while seated. This exercise got its name from the military because they used to lift as a true test of a soldier’s strength. Currently in gym, the Military and shoulder presses, along with overhead press have become interchangeable, so that’s how they are used.

How to do a Barbell Military Press:

  1. Sit onto a Military Press Bench with a bar behind your head. Having a spotter would be the best way to do this exercise. Have the spotter give you the bar, or pick it up yourself with a pronated grip. Advice: Make sure your grip is wider than a shoulder width so that it creates a 90 degree angle between your forearm and upper arm as the barbell goes down.
  2. After picking up the barbell with the right grip length, raise the bar up over your head by locking both your arms. Hold the bar at around a shoulder level and slightly in front of your head. This position will be the starting point.
  3. Lower the bar down to your collarbone at a slow pace as you breathe in.
  4. Raise the bar back up to the original starting point as you breathe out.
  5. Complete the preferred number of reps for this exercise.

Alternative: This exercise can also be done by standing. However, people with lower back problems are better off completing this routine seated.  The behind the neck version is not recommended for people with shoulder issues, for this can hard on your rotator cuff due to the hyperextension created by bringing the bar behind the neck.

Barbell Military Press Video

By Daniel

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