big chest

Best Chest Exercises: Flat Bench Dumbbell Flys

Flat Bench Dumbbell Flys are designed to build well-defined, massive pecs by isolating resistance on the chest as much as possible with strict training technique. Such technique requires the controlled movement of the dumbbells over your chest with your back and shoulders planted firmly on a flat or incline workout bench. This means you shouldn’t try to do this exercise with excessively heavy weight (I suggest poundage that allows you to do 10-12 reps). Make sure that you don’t jerk the dumbbells together with bodyweight or shoulder assistance. This type of cheating on training technique deprives the chest of the work it needs to grow and simply wastes time. If done properly, this exercise will thicken and shape the “pec-delt tie-ins” where your chest and shoulders meet to give your pecs a full and wide frontal appearance.

By Daniel