If your goal is to build muscle, our expert on the topic has been putting theories to the test in his training log here on conFITdent. You can check out his experiences and follow his journey to build muscle with this series.

Week 10 | Workout 25  | 5×5 Across

Foam Roll:

Calf, Quad, Hamstring, IT Band, Glutes, Pec, Lat (See Mike Boyle’s FSC 4.0 DVD and Defranco’s Core DVD)

Movement Prep:

Inchworm complex, KB Halo, KB Goblet Squat, KB Windmill, Overhead Band Wall Squat, Band Shoulder Dislocations, Lying Handcuffs, Lateral Band Walks, Single Leg Glute Iso Holds, T-Spine Bench Extensions, T-Spine Kneeling Rotations, Band Pull Aparts


A1. Barbell Hip Thrust work up to a 5 rep max – 385×5 repetitions

A2. Band W’s 3×12-15 – blue x 15 reps

B1. Bench 5×5 – 255 lbs for 5 reps 2 sets, 4 reps 2 sets, 3 reps,

B2.  TRX Bodysaws 5x max – body weight x 10 reps for 5 sets

C1. Squat 3×5 – 245 for 3 reps for 3 sets

C2. Around The World Barbebll 3×10 – 25lbs x10 for 3 sets


Cool Down:

Band Hamstring Stretch, Box Hip Flexor Stretch, Box Glute Stretch, Wall Quad Stretch, Band Lat Stretch, Pec Wall Stretch

Why This Will Help Build Muscle

This is the metabolic disturbance workout of the week. It’s specifically designed to create a stress response that will eventually culminate with a PR at the end of the week.

The Results

3 bad workouts in a row… Time for a deload.

Even though I was relatively well rested, had minimal distractions, and felt great before the workout, I knew it was going to be a battle after warming up. My balance and muscle-mind connection felt off. I was almost slightly shaky, like when you have low blood sugar. I definitely need to deload for a week. So, that begins on Friday and will go through next Sunday. I already have my next 8 week phase created.

For more information on the Texas Method and strength coach Mark Rippetoe, please visit his site Starting Strength.