bench press

#9. Dumbbell Pullover

chest exercises

Why: A highly underrated exercise, the Dumbbell Pullover is an extraordinary tool for sculpting a bigger chest. Utilizing variations of the pullover on a regular basis may be a good idea as they likely target fibers that aren’t recruited during standard pressing movements. 

Execution: Lie on a flat bench with your upper back and the bench perpendicular to one another. Grab one dumbbell and place the palms of both hands underneath the top plate. Hold the dumbbell over your chest while squeezing your pecs tightly together and maintaining a slight bend in the elbows. Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head until your upper arms are roughly parallel with the ground. Once you reach this position, immediately reverse the movement by squeezing your pecs and pulling the dumbbell back to the starting position with your lats. Repeat for the prescribed number of sets and repetitions.

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