Exercise Name: Close Grip Bench Press
Main Muscle: Triceps
Secondary Muscle(s): Chest, Deltoids
Exercise Type: Push, Compound
Equipment Required: Barbell, Bench

Close Grip Bench Press Instructions

This weight training exercise is dubbed by many to be the best tricep exercise because it is one of only a few compound tricep exercises and allows you to pile on much more weight than a typical tricep isolation exercise. It is a version of the bench press that uses a close grip to more strenuously work your triceps.

If you are really looking to build mass within your triceps, we recommend you check out our Top 5 Tricep Exercises. Also note that many chest exercises also activate your triceps, so be sure to plan accordingly when it comes to creating a workout plan for yourself.

Perform The Close Grip Bench Press

  1. Lay on a flat bench with your feet flat on the floor under a loaded barbell.
  2. Using a close grip (about 6 inches apart) unlatch the bar and slowly lower it towards your chest.
  3. Pause just before the bar hits your chest, then raise the bar by extending your arms and pushing with your triceps to the staring position.

Close Grip Bench Press Tips

  1. Keep your elbows close to your body throughout the exercise.
  2. Keep your back and shoulders on the bench and your feet firmly planted on the floor throughout the exercise.
  3. Concentrate on squeezing your triceps at the top of the lift.

By Daniel