Close Grip Bench Press Overview

Exercise: Close Grip Bench Press
Primary Muscle: Triceps
Additional Muscle(s): Chest, Deltoids
Type: Push, Compound
Gear Needed: Barbell, Bench

What is a Close Grip Bench Press?

The close grip bench press is one of the most popular Tricep Exercises, and for good reason. This exercise lets you add on much more weight than most tricep isolation exercises. This is a variation of the bench press that uses a close grip to more vigorously work your triceps.

How to do a Close Grip Bench Press:

  1. Lay back onto a flat bench. While using a shoulder width close grip, raise the bar from the rack and hold it straight over you with both arms locked. This position will be your starting point.
  2. While you inhale, begin to come down at a slow pace until you feel the bar touch the middle of your chest. Advice: Make sure you keep your elbows close to the torso, unlike a regular bench press, for this will boost your tricep involvement.
  3. After you pause for a brief second, raise the bar back to the original starting point as you exhale and push the bar using your tricep muscles. Put your arms into a locked contracted position, then hold for a brief second and then begin to come down at a slow pace. Advice: Lowering the bar should take you twice as long as it does to raise it.
  4. Do the preferred number of reps for this exercise.
  5. After finishing, put the bar back onto the rack.

Caution: It is recommended to use a spotter for this exercise, especially if you are new to it. If you can’t find a spotter, remember to use less weight than you normally would. Try not to let the bar drift forward, for you want to bar to only touch the middle part of your chest.

Alternative: Another way to perform this exercise is with the use of an e-z bar by using the inner handle, as well as dumbbells. Make sure your palms are facing each other if you decided this variation of the exercise.

Close Grip Bench Press Video

By Daniel

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