Dating is often like a challenge to men. Because there are a lot of rules that many people believe should be followed when on a date, men want to know what the rules are. Most men also want to know which rules cannot be broken, not to cause any trouble, but to make things easier or better for both parties.

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There is no one rule when it comes to dating. But, there are things that shouldn’t be done or said, and there are things that are worth trying.

Rules Worth Breaking

Here are some rules that women think should not be strictly followed when dating:

  1. Waiting to call after a date. There’s a rule that says men should wait three days before calling a girl, so they won’t feel uneasy or forced into another date. It’s also said that doing so will show that the guy is not overly attached, and isn’t seeking commitment from just a single date. However, this isn’t worth following if you really like the girl. In fact, you should ask for a second date as soon as the date ends, before you drive her to her house. This shows that you really do like her. It also prevents a girl from thinking too much, and having the impression that you’re either being pompous or you don’t like her.
  2. First dates should be dinner. First dates don’t have to be dinner in an expensive restaurant. Going to other places like bars and simple places are also great on first dates, as this will make you feel at ease and give you more opportunity to have fun. Also, spending big bucks on a first date is not really advisable, as you might end up dating someone you really don’t like. So, better prepare for something grand once you’ve found the person worth spending a great deal of money, effort, and time on.
  3. No sexual activity on first dates. Making out isn’t really off-limits when it comes to first dates. As long as you’re going to be responsible and both of you give consent, there is no reason to avoid it. Just be sure to be a gentleman and think of the consequences first before jumping into the opportunity.

Dating isn’t only the responsibility of men. Just like in relationships, dates should also be a result of the effort of two people. However, men should always remember to take the lead, not just because of responsibilities, but also because this shows your manliness and the kind of person you are.

So, don’t be afraid to break some rules and create new ones. As long as your intentions are clean, feel free to do what it takes so that your date will look forward to your next meeting… or a relationship.

By Daniel

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