Decline Bench Press Overview

Exercise: Decline Bench Press
Primary Muscle: Chest
Additional Muscle(s): Deltoids, Triceps
Type: Compound, Push
Gear Needed: Dumbbells, Decline Bench

What is a Decline Bench Press?

The decline bench press is a lower chest routine that focuses on the lower head of the pectoralis major, and also the triceps and deltoids from a decreased angle.

Check out our Standard Flat Bench exercise, along with our Incline Bench Press. Changing up exercise habits will help strengthen your chest due to using different angles. This workout is great for beginners or veteran lifters.

How to Do a Decline Bench Press

  1. Establish both of your legs at the end of the decline bench, then lay down with a dumbbell in both hands on top of your thighs. Make sure your palms are facing each other.
  2. After you are in a comfortable position laid down, maneuver the dumbbells in front of you using a shoulder width length.
  3. At this shoulder width length, circle both your wrists straight ahead so that your palms are facing away from you. This position will be your starting point.
  4. Assert the weights down at a slow pace to your side as you exhale. Make sure you are in control of the dumbbells during this exercise. Advice: During this motion, your forearms should always be horizontal to the floor.
  5. As your exhale, exert the dumbbells up by using your pectoral muscles. Secure your arms in the contracted position, clutch your chest, and hold for a brief second and then begin to come down at a slow pace. Advice: Going down should take twice as long to come up.
  6. Do the preferred number of reps for this exercise.

Caution: Make sure when you are finished with the exercise, don’t just drop the dumbbells next to you, because this can be harmful to your rotator cuffs as well as other people near you.

It’s always better to have a spotter with you if you are using heavy weights.

Alternative: This exercise can also be done using a barbell or an exercise band.

This workout is comparable to the Dumbbell Bench Press, except that it’s on a decline bench. This exercise strengthens your lower chest.

Decline Bench Press Video

By Daniel

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