When the Albert Lea Lake hardened, it put the lives of three deer in danger. Stuck in the middle of the icy lake, the trio seemed like they were doomed to die there.

Someone was able to post on Facebook about some deer stranded on the lake. Fortunately, a person who had the heart and the capacity to do a rescue was able to read the post. A man, identified only as James, and his father decided to save the poor animals.

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Taking their hovercraft, the father and son tandem took to the lake and looked for the exhausted animals. They got the animals unstuck and tied them to the craft. It was a slow and gentle ride to shore.

The trio was obviously tired and hungry after being exposed to the harsh conditions for several days. If it weren’t for the compassionate father-and-son team, the deer wouldn’t have had the chance to walk back to the forest.

As for James and his dad, they snuggled back to the comforts of their home with the warm feeling of having done a good deed for the day. Trio of deer saved!

By Daniel

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