gym pet peeves

Getting fit should be included in everybody’s goals. Not only will it make you look good but it will cut the cost of your medical expenses. Getting fit is one of the social activities that you can enjoy doing, whether outdoor or exercising in a gym. However, no matter how enjoyable the activity is, there are still unpreventable pet peeves that you would have to contend with.

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Watch Out for (and Avoid) These Irritating Behaviors

Read this article and learn those irritating behaviors and do your best to avoid committing those mistakes every time you go to your local gym:

  1. Failure to wipe the equipment after use – there are people who are not mindful that their sweat is all over the exercise equipment, so please have the decency to wipe your sweat off with a clean towel after use.
  2. Extreme body odor – though this cannot be prevented especially for those with a medical condition like profuse sweating, you just have to accept the reality that this cannot be avoided and there is no easy way you can tell someone to practice proper hygiene. However, this is not to say that you should go to the gym wearing heavy cologne.
  3. Chatters – this is a pet peeve that can be avoided if only everybody will avoid talking too loud over the phone. Additionally, gym is not a place to do a lot of chit-chat with friends.
  4. Not returning equipment – after you exercise please put back the equipment where they are supposed to be. It is annoying for the next user to look for the equipment only because it was not placed in their proper location.
  5. Trying to impress others – there are people who use heavy weights and scream on the top of their lungs just so to make an impression that they are working very hard by lifting heavy weights.
  6. Resting – if you get tired after using a gym equipment, do not sit on the machine and rest for more than five minutes. There are other users who are just waiting for you to get finished.
  7. Wrong exercise routines – if you are not sure as to whether you are doing the right thing or not, consult a fitness instructor. It is a pet peeve to see people doing the wrong moves and using machines longer than they should be.
  8. Giving unsolicited advice – give an advice only if the other person asked for it. It is not your duty to act like a fitness instructor.
  9. Locker room decency – it cannot be avoided to show a lot of skin especially if you are about to take a shower. Be mindful though not to walk around bare naked in front of everybody at the locker room. Use a towel and wrap it around your body.
  10. Wear the right clothing – do not wear too revealing clothes that would attract and distract other gym goers.

Those are the top ten gym pet peeves. Do your very best to avoid committing those mistakes. In that way, exercising is going to be a social activity that is good for your health and for your exercise buddies, as well.

By Daniel

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