Primary Muscles Effected: Triceps

Tertiary Muscles Effected: Chest, Shoulders

Equipment Needed: Body

Mostly Used for: Build Strength, Get big, Get toned

How to Properly Do a Bench Dip

  1. This workout is very straightforward. For this exercise you will need to sit on the floor against a bench with your back against the side of the bench. Now that the bench is perpendicular to your body, you can put your arms behind you and hold on to the edge of the bench with your hands. Now stick your legs out so that your body is an L shape with your back against the padding of the bench. As you lift up your body, the goal will be to raise your torso. You don’t need to start this workout by sitting on the floor, but we mention it just to ensure you are in appropriate position.
  2. Slowly lower your body as you inhale by bending at the elbows until you lower yourself far enough to where there is an angle slightly smaller than 90 degree slope between the upper arm and the forearm.
  3. Using your triceps to bring your torso up again, raise your body back to the starting position.
  4. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
  5. Scare away small children with your beastly biceps.

Bench Dip Tips

  • You can place your legs on top of another flat bench in front of you in order to make the exercise more challenging.
  • As you build strength, you can migrate over to a dip bar and really get a lengthier range of motion and even add a weighted belt.
  • Do not sway, focus on keeping your body as stable as possible to maximize results and prevent injury.
  • If you are having a hard time building strength, do some tricep workouts and/or try using the assist dip machine until you built the strength to do dips.
  • Some trainers may say to use your legs to help you if you feel failure, but we don’t recommend it because this can turn in to a bad practice.

Bench Dip Video

By Daniel

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