Everybody knows who King Arthur is. Well, at least what we know from TV and movies. This begs the question – is he a myth? How about his legend? Is it true? It’s easy to see why a lot of people are wondering, as no writings about him existed until the 9th century. A lot of historians are also saying that chronicles about him are mostly based on myths and histories of other leaders.

While much can be learned about the tale of King Arthur, there is something very important that we want to bring to light. Regardless of whether or not King Arthur is real or not, he is a moral exemplar. Not to get all crazy on your here, but think of Jesus or Buddha. Many say that we should live like these men did. While it may not be possible, given modern temptations and lifestyles to live as these men did – making a strong and conscious effort to try will make us all much better and greater human beings.

Truth be told, the same can be said about Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, and almost any super hero. As a man, like you, this is why I love super heroes. I know that I can’t fly or shoot lasers out of my eyes, but I will do the right thing because in my own eyes I do wear an S on my chest. I may not have a sidekick in tights helping me, but I do recognize those who look up to me like Batman did and I give them the wisdom and confidence they need to become better.

This is a point I’d like to make about all of the historical profiles that we’ve been posting here on Confitdent. While it will make you more interesting to know these tidbits of culture and history, these are moral exemplars for men. Learn from their leadership and bravery and bring their tactics to modern life, adapting their qualities accordingly.

What We Know

Popular belief shows that King Arthur was a British leader that led during the late 5th century until the early 6th century. Several historians have said that he led Britain in its defense against invading Saxon troops in the early 6th century. As far as other details are concerned, it really depends on what book you’re looking at as there’s no single canonical version of his life, only different events and characters from different writings about him.

The Origin of King Arthur

Even the origin of his name couldn’t be established, as there are different suggestions. There are some groups that are saying that it was derived from a Roman family name, Artōrius. However, some scholars are saying that this couldn’t be accurate, as early Latin Arthurian texts have always referred to him as Arturus or Arthur.

There is another suggestion that says that it was derived from Arcturus, the brightest star that can be found in the Bootes constellation.

The Intense King Arthur Debate

king arthurHis legend is growing, and changing. Scholars have debated on his existence for years, with some schools of thought saying that he’s nothing but a myth. However, one group points to two writings – History of the Britons and Welsh Annals. Several entries are saying that he was indeed a historical figure. In the History of the Britons compilation, manuscripts show that King Arthur fought in twelve battles. One of the battles was the Battle of Mons Badonicus, where it was said that he himself killed 960 men. However, several more recent studies are debunking this as a myth.

A rather comprehensive account of the life of King Arthur that probably contributed to his myth or legend is found in the History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth. According to Geoffrey, some important people in Arthur’s life were Uther Pendragon, his father, and Merlin, his magician advisor.

He became King when Uther died. Arthur was 15 years old then. He went on to lead Britain in several battles, capturing areas after areas including Iceland, Ireland, Denmark, Norway and countless of others.

His downfall came when he was wounded during his battle with his nephew Modredus, who seized the throne from him and married his wife. He handed the crown to Constantine in order to be treated in Avalon, but he was never heard of since.

Did King Arthur Really Exist?

Unfortunately, there’s nothing to prove that King Arthur did exist. However, there’s also no proof that he didn’t exist. It’s really up to people what to believe. Was he a myth? Only historians will care, as common people would rather believe his legend.

By Daniel

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