Exercise Name: Leg Raises
Main Muscle: Abs
Secondary Muscle(s): N/A
Equipment Required: Body Weight Exercise

Leg Raise Instructions

The leg raise is one of our most popular core exercises and can be done any time, anywhere. The abs exercise is pictured here on the floor, however you can also do the exercise on a flat bench or hanging from a pull up bar.


It’s no secret that six pack abs are one of the most coveted muscle groups when it comes to a man’s physique. Movie stars have them and women crave them – yet, it is one of the more challenging things to accomplish. Some might even say that a man’s abs are a barometer for how fit he really is. If you’re looking to get six pack abs, you’ve come to the right place. With a little bit of training and the right diet (after all, abs are made in the kitchen – not in the gym), you’ll have washboard abs in no time.

To Perform the Leg Raise

  1. Lie on a flat bench or an exercise mat on the floor with your hands under your hips to support your back. If using a bench, your legs should be hanging off the bench from your knees down.
  2. With your feet together and your toes pointed up, raise your legs straight up towards the ceiling. Keep your legs straight but do not lock your knees.
  3. Pause at the top and lower your legs back to the starting position in slow controlled manner.

Leg Raise Tips

  1. Do this abs exercise in a slow controlled manner and concentrate on your abs contracting.

By Daniel