We’ve heard of dogs waiting for their masters to get home. Something a little out of the ordinary: when both master and dog have no home to speak of, but they still stand by each other.

One day, Lauri da Costa was struck in the face with a rock thrown at him by a random attacker in the streets of Passo Fundo, Brazil. Da Costa and his dog, Seco, found their way to the hospital to seek emergency assistance.

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Da Costa was out of danger from the rock throwing incident, but the doctors found that he had melanoma on his face. He needed to stay in the hospital for surgery. While this was happening, Seco stood guard by the hospital’s entry. Staff noticed the dog and fed him. On the 8th day of Da Costa’s stay, hospital staff allowed him to be briefly reunited with his dog.

When Da Costa was brought back to the recovery room, Seco returned to his post outside of the hospital until the day his master was fully recovered.

By Daniel

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