My name is Kedric Kwan and I have an affinity towards lifting heavy objects. I am also an all around nerd, superhero fan and lover of bacon. My affinity of lifting heavy objects led me to the career of helping others get stronger. I live in Malaysia and my clients include Muay Thai fighters, Ultimate Frisbee athletes, Magazine Editors and weekend warriors.

Writing is also something that I love doing since it helps me connect and reach out to people all around the world. Some of my articles can be found at sites like STACK, Homegrown & Healthy, ThePTDC and right here on Confitdent.

I started my journey of training as a mediocre athlete in high school. With the drive to stand out from the competition, I’ve stumbled upon weight training and transformed myself and packed on 30lbs to my scarecrow-like frame.

I am constantly seeking methods to become a better trainer and coach, placing a high emphasis on my education. After being certified as a personal trainer, I knew that certification wasn’t enough and I took my education into my own hands. I sourced out information from the best and purchased courses that allowed me to expand my skills and knowledge as a trainer.

I recently dropped out from my marketing degree to pursue training as my full-time career. I believe that doing what you are passionate about is the most important thing in life. So besides fitness, I travel as a speaker covering the principles of chasing your passion while trying my best to inspire others to do what they love.

I live by the motto Strength, Passion and Legacy. It simply means: Lift to build strength, live with passion and leave a legacy. This is the goal that I try to inspire readers to set for themselves and I think the Confitdent is the perfect platform to give you the tips and tools to get there. Besides that, my thoughts and principles can be further found on my own site at

Check out posts by Kedric Kwan here on Confitdent

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