When it comes to examining metabolic training, we come from the school of thought that there’s only one thing worse than being fat, and that’s being skinny fat. At least when you’re fat, you’re usually strong. Skinny fat guys are just weak and pudgy. The good news is that it’s the skinny fat guys that usually make the biggest transformations.  Here’s what I’ve found works best. Remember, skinny fat guys are still hardgainers so we have to manage volume and intensity appropriately.

The 3 Step Skinny Fat Solution

1. It starts in the kitchen

Our first step involves getting skinny fat clients skinny. Amp up the protein intake to around 1g per pound of bodyweight, watch the carbs (less than 150g per day and adjust accordingly), and eat healthy fats (fish oil, olive oil, etc).  The majority of the time we can simply get a skinny fat client skinny by eliminating calories that come from liquids (soda, Gatorade, energy drinks, etc) and adding 2 protein shakes per day.

2. Lift heavy but watch the volume and intensity

This is really no different from a hardgainer’s workout. We focus on increasing the bench, squat, and deadlift while removing the fluff. Our goal is strength. Most skinny fat guys are new to lifting, so a simple linear progression, total body workout 3 times per week is sufficient to get the gains rolling. Don’t overdue it though. Remember, you’re still a hardgainer. The kitchen will take care of the bodyfat.

3.  Add a LITTLE metabolic work

Occasionally we’ll have to go here. Be forewarned though, it’s a slippery slope. Add too much metabolic work, and it detracts from your strength. Add too little, and it’s wasting your time. We like to do a few different things, but we have a few rules.

  1. Metabolic workouts should last no longer than 20 minutes. 10 minutes is a good start.
  2. Metabolic workouts on done on “off” days. Done correctly, they help facilitate recovery. Done incorrectly, they impair recovery.
  3. Metabolic workouts are not long, slow distance runs/bike rides. We want your heart rate up.  These are interval-style workouts. Not true Tabata-style workouts, yet not cardio-type workouts either.
  4. The majority of the exercises selected should minimize the eccentric component so we minimize the risk of impairing recovery from the strength work.
So, with those 4 rules in mind, you can pretty much design your own metabolic workout. We like bands, sleds, battling ropes, kettlebell swings, and 6″ box jumps. A typical workout would look like the following:

Workout #1

Kettlebell Swings – 15 swings every 60 seconds for 5 minutes

Battling Ropes – 20:40 or 30:30 for 5 minutes

Workout #2

Sled Pushes – 40 yards every 60 seconds for 5 minutes

Band punches – 30:20 for 4 rounds

Band Skier Rows – 30:20 for for 4 rounds

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