choosing a personal trainer

If you would like to lose weight, get fit and/or put on muscle then choosing a personal trainer is certainly a good way to get the step by step motivation and training that you will need. Before you just phone up the first personal trainer you see advertised, it is better to know a bit more.

When looking for a personal trainer whether they are going to meet you at the gym or meet you at your home you should first look and ask for qualifications. There are a number of national and internationally recognized certificates that are easily checked online.

Personal Trainer Principles

When it comes to mainstream personal trainers, there are a few principles that should be followed. We highly recommend being very cautious if you’re looking into a random trainer at your personal gym because some mainstream gyms have relatively low standards. If you are serious about upgrading your physique, contact a high end gym with a strong reputation and try to work with them on pricing for one on one sessions. Yes, it will be pricey, but in our opinion, it is an investment that is well worth it. When it all comes down to it, quality is critical.

  1. Your first session should be an assessment where the personal trainer will sometimes offer a free service in order to establish exactly what both of you are in for. The personal trainers job in this assessment session is to find out your current fitness level and set out a plan to reach your specific objective.
  2. There are some easy ways that a personal trainer can assess your fitness and he/she will not need any fancy equipment to do this. But before that is done both of you need to sit down and discuss what it is you want to achieve. The personal trainer will either tell you right there and then or make another appointment.
  3. He/she will then create a specific plan on exactly how you are going to reach your specific objective. This plan will outline the specific workout program and how many times a week it should be done. This plan will also include a diet along with recommendations and other choices of food.
  4. By the end of the first meeting you should know exactly what you are in for. That does not only mean the specific training program and schedule which you are going to stick to but also a diet as well as the costs. Usually one can choose whether to workout with the training partner or by yourself. It is highly recommended that you start off training with the personal trainer in order to get your exercise technique done correctly. If you feel that each session is too expensive after that has been done then you can train on your own.
  5. Obviously the best part about having your own private personal trainer is that he/she will knock on your door exactly when both of you decided to train. This will mean that even if you don’t feel like it you will find yourself exercising and will get into it eventually.
  6. More important than just getting into the activity of exercising and getting used to the exercise, is that you will start to see results. Depending on your current condition you will see results very fast or very slow but you will get results if you train consistently.
  7. You will often see personal trainers that are recommended by your gym, but without a doubt the best source is going to be from a friend that you trust. If they recommend a personal trainer it is because they got results or are getting results.

Following these principles should help you narrow down the best choice for you when it comes to selecting a personal trainer. Be selective because picking the right personal trainer is the difference maker between seeing quick and effective results versus getting injured or wasting your time and money.

By Daniel

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