Science has long equated physical attractiveness to what’s visible. But new research published in Personal Relationships suggests that being  attractive may not be all too “physical” after all.

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In the study, each participant was shown photos of the opposite sex and was asked to rate them with respect to being attractive. The participants made their ratings before and after researchers associated the photos with personality traits. In addition, participants were asked whether the individuals were desirable as a friend or as a dating partner.

Results have shown that regardless of sex, people who were labeled as honest and helpful were perceived as attractive. In stark contrast were those who were associated with being rude and unfair, ranking lower in attractiveness.

Research author Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr. stresses the importance of a desirable personality in terms of perceiving an individual as a suitable friend, who in turn can be a suitable partner. This high score in desirability also means a high score in being physically attractive.

Factoring in personality traits in the study achieved the same results regardless of an individual’s initial attractiveness rating, present relationship status, or commitment level.

The research is a breakthrough in that previous studies focused separately on physical appearance and personality as factors leading to attraction. It has shown that, over time, personality itself becomes an important factor in perceiving who’s good looking and who’s not.



Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (2007, November 30). Personality Traits Influence Perceived Attractiveness. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 30, 2013, from­ /releases/2007/11/071129145852.htm

By Daniel

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