play guitar

Learning how to play the guitar will make you more skillful, attractive, and will stimulate your mind. There are plenty of basic tutorials that you can find online and you can get a decent guitar for under $100 if you’re looking to just get familiar with some of the basics.

In case you didn’t know, most songs are based on a collection of chords. By getting familiar with some of the easier or most common chords, you’ll be able to navigate your way through some songs that will bring out your inner virtuoso.

Playing with Only Two Fingers

Even when you are just a beginner, you can play guitar with just two fingers: your index and your ring finger. Just place your fingers one fret apart from each other, fingers at the two top strings, then strum the guitar.

Repeat strumming and experimenting with the proper placement of your fingers until you hear a good vibrating sound or music from your guitar.

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Playing with Only One Finger

You can also use a single finger to play guitar: your middle finger. Make sure that you lower down the top string from ‘E’ to ‘D’ before doing so. This way, you will get the right kinds of sound from your instrument.

Just use your middle finger on the top string and strum away. You can use notes for a ‘dropped d’ song as a guide so that you can truly play a piece.

Strum Pattern

If you’ve been able to slap a table to play the drums, then you know that the right rhythm means a lot. Pay very close attention to the tempo and strum patterns of songs as you learn them to make the song sound familiar.

If you want to play guitar like a true pro, practice chords. Even if the chords above are easy to play, they can sound awful when you do not know how to strum properly. Your fingers also need to get used to pressing the strings. Also, your timing should be improved to make you sound like you really know what you are playing.

By Daniel

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