rob sulaver

When it comes to throwing weights around in the gym, we just had to hear what words of wisdom Rob Sulaver had to share. In case you don’t know by now (which you should), Rob is considered by many to be one of the best trainers in the industry. He has a very different personality that almost reminds us of that wise-ass friend who always seems to be right. Naturally, that makes him a perfect candidate to answer some questions about lifting. By consistently getting great results and helping his clients achieve their ideal body, Rob has learned a thing or two about proper training.

What’s your go-to move if you only had one exercise to do? Why?

Front squats. Cause they’re hard as shit and make me feel like an angry neanderthal (a good thing.)

There’s a lot of buzz about the term “metabolic conditioning” nowadays. What does that look like in your program?

Imagine if a volcano had a baby with a bull in a tank. That’s what my met-con looks like. Yea, wrap your head around that.

What are three Bandana strength standards for guys? 

If you can front squat 315 lbs (below parallel), you’re big business in my book.

Or run a mile under 5 min.

Or wrestle a bear into submission.

THAT’S manhood.

…mostly the bear thing.

Number one exercise you wish people would stop doing?

Lifting weights while running on a treadmill. It’s multitasking gone awry. Makes me want to go punch ’em in the ovaries.

Steady state cardio: friend or foe?

If you just want to get shredded, initially stick with high intensity intervals. If you’re training for a marathon, you’d better do some steady state or you’re just being silly.

Follow Rob Sulaver for Expert Fitness and Nutrition Content as well as tips on living a badass life.

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By Daniel

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