Cooking steak is not at all difficult. You just to need to get a good quality steak and you are ready to do some home cooking. It is definitely a lot cheaper if you will cook the steak yourself, rather than eating in a restaurant. Follow the steak cooking tips below and you will get yourself a perfectly-grilled steak.


  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Fresh rosemary
  • Butter
  • Fresh pepper
  • Salt
  • Steak

Procedure for steak cooking:

  1. The first step is to buy a good piece of steak from your reliable butcher. Choose a meat with marbling because it will turn out juicier. It is also good to get a meat with bones rather than getting a tenderloin part, because of flavor.
  2. Heat the griller and drizzle some olive oil. It is better to use oil than butter because butter gets burned easily.
  3. Always thaw your steak before cooking; otherwise, the steak will not be evenly cooked.
  4. Use fresh-cracked peppercorn because it has more flavor as compared to the dust pepper. Be liberal when applying fresh-cracked pepper because half of these will be removed when cooking. Do it on both sides of the steak.
  5. In steak cooking, always remember that it is not a good idea to use salt when the steak is not yet done. The tendency is that the steak will lose all its juices as soon as you add some salt.
  6. Start grilling the steak but do not make it a habit to constantly turn the steak every so often. Wait for two minutes before turning the steak.
  7. You can now add salt on the steak that is already cooked. The salt will add more crunch and flavor.
  8. The next step in steak cooking is to prepare the oil for brushing. In a separate bowl, add some extra virgin olive oil and freshly chopped garlic. Get a fresh twig of rosemary and use this twig as a brush. Dip the rosemary twig in the oil mixture and brush it on the two sides of the steak. The flavor of the rosemary will add another layer of taste on the steak.
  9. When almost done, add some butter chunks on the steak and continue cooking for a few more seconds.
  10. Remove from the griller and allow it to rest for about five minutes. This is done in order for the juice to re-distribute evenly.

Now you have a freshly-grilled steak that is cooked to perfection in the comfort of your own home. Steak is a rich source of protein and iron and it is perfect for muscle regeneration. Steak cooking can be done even if you are a newbie in the kitchen. It is not complicated at all. It is just a matter of cooking it with the proper temperature and length of time. Serve it with some baked potatoes for carbohydrates and fresh steamed vegetables. Some may prefer it to be served with gravy. Cap your day with steak, potatoes, veggies, and a glass of red wine.

By Daniel

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