Men love watching sports. But, wouldn’t it be better to be able to do sports too? Well, it may seem very hard but if you know the techniques, you will be able to pull off some athletic moves that will impress your girl and your friends.

Football is a very popular sport, especially since it’s considered as a game for tough guys. This is one of the main things why many guys want to learn how to tackle. This makes them look tough and more masculine. And if you are one of those guys, you probably want to learn how to do this move.

Tackling the Right Way

Tackling is kind of dangerous as this can cause injury. So, you have to know the proper posture and technique before trying to pull this off. Here are some tips on how you tackle like a pro:

Keep Your Head Up

You might think that keeping your head down or facing the ground will make your tackling more effective. But, it really won’t help you. Bowing your head won’t help you because you won’t be able to see anything. This will give your opponent the chance to either evade your move or to take advantage of you by using your move and your weight to take you down.

So, keep your head up to see what you are doing and see where you are going. This will also prevent your neck from getting broken when your head collides with your opponent’s chest or other body part.

Keep Your Feet Moving

Even before you launch forward, you should keep your legs moving. This will give you momentum so that you will have more force when you charge towards your opponent. This will also help maintain your balance.

This is done by doing rapid jogging movement with your feet while staying in place. You can see that football players do this all the time.

Roll Your Hips into Tackle

When tackling, do not maintain the rigidity of your hips. Make sure that you roll them so that you can launch your chest upward and forward; hence, you bump the opponent with your chest and not with your head.

Wrap Up

When tackling, always remember to wrap up your arms around your opponent. This will prevent them from getting enough force to knock you down. Just be sure that you try to wrap their arms also so that they cannot easily put you down when you tackle them.

When tackling, always remember to wear protective gear. This will prevent you from getting injured. Because this can cause impact onto your head, chest and shoulders, you should put on protective gear so that you don’t dislocate your shoulders or prevent your head from obtaining concussion.

It is also best to try to warm up first before attempting this move so that you make your muscles and joints more flexible, preventing sprain and injuries. Muscle tear is a real pain so better prevent this by getting your body in condition before trying any athletic moves like a tackle.

By Daniel

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