Being exposed to new tips and tricks all the time about building muscle is great…except when it distracts you from the simple tried and true facts. Here are some things that you might already know, but shouldn’t be forgetting.

It Takes a Balanced Diet

Without enough protein your muscle building is going nowhere fast. Try to get protein in each meal, but don’t overboard as it lead to kidney stones and gaining excess weight. Most people need about a gram per body pound each day. That being said, it also takes eating enough carbohydrates to put that protein to work for you. Carbohydrates are an important source of energy, and if you don’t get that energy, your body will use the protein for energy, leaving less of it to help bulk out your muscles.

Carbs are also an important fuel for your brain and keeping up your general energy levels, both of which are helpful for getting to the gym and getting in a successful workout. Always get your carbs in the most states possible, such as vegetables, and unprocessed whole grains.

It is important to eat small meals consistently throughout the day instead of waiting long periods between meals. When your body has to tap into its fuel sources it will go first to the muscle to get energy instead of the fat. When you eat regularly however you will keep your metabolism fired up and then the body will be prepared to use the fat sources as fuel instead.

How soon you refuel following a workout is incredibly important as well. When you finish a workout your body will be ready for nutrients, and the sooner you can provide it with them, the better. Keep a snack in your gym back if you have a hard time getting a snack shortly after you finish your workouts.

Hydration is Important as Well

While water itself it not going to help you pack on the muscles, staying hydrated is going to help increase your performance abilities when you’re working out, which will help you pack on the muscles. Try to stay hydrated throughout the day, during a workout, and following one. There’s never a time when it’s not important to stay on top of hydration.

It Also Takes Sleep

If you aren’t getting enough sleep you will be limiting your muscle growth potential. When we sleep our bodies get the uninterrupted time to recover and build muscle, and different hormones are released when we sleep to do so. If you don’t get at least seven hours a night on a regular basis you might be sabotaging the efforts you’re putting in at the gym.

You Have to Mix Things Up

The body does get used to fitness routines, so while hitting the gym at the same time everyday might help you, doing the same routine won’t. The best muscle building exercises aren’t just simple lifting moves either, think in terms of dynamic exercises that use multiple muscle groups at once and even those that mimic everyday movement to get the most comprehensive approach.


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