idris elba pacific rim

When it comes to the Idris Elba workout, keep in mind that this is a man who has played the hero, the villain, Mr. Right, and he trains every day. He has been doing kickboxing for over seven years and when not shooting a movie gets to the dojo at least three times a week. When working on a set he gets very little time and still manages to work out by doing at least 45 minutes of jogging. He will also do 100 sit-ups and 100 push ups after he jogs. Idris considers that exercise a bare minimum that he does at least 6 times a week. If doing the Idris Elba workout, you should keep yourself to the same standard.

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When asked about his training routine for films such as Pacific Rim and Thor, Idris Elba explains that when shooting a movie his producers have forbidden him to fight because it is dangerous, so he is forced to give up training in the dojo when filming. In an average week he spends most of his workout time at the dojo where he trains at least three times a week.

Aside from actual full contact training at the dojo, the Idris Elba workout focuses on drills broken down into three-minute rounds where he works through high and low kicks, combos, and light sparring. After that come leg raises for the core. “That’s ab work like you’ve never had it,” he says. “It’s a rough workout when done correctly” he says. Idris has always done some sort of training. He tackled basketball, soccer, and rugby in school, and played in a Sunday soccer league after he graduated. “I was always a real athletic kid,” says Elba. “Then when I got older, I just figured it was part of life to keep training.”

The Secret of the Idris Elba Workout

idris elba workout thor

Whether for his role in Pacific Rim or even his role in Thor, the bottom line is that there is no special Idris Elba workout that he sticks to on a regular basis. As he  says, it is more important to do some activity than none at all. Whether it is a quick soccer game on a Sunday or a thorough workout at his dojo he will exercise a little every day. So consistency is key and this drives home one key principle that we try to preach on this site – no matter what exercise you choose to do, just do it and do it frequently and consistently. 

Regarding his diet and his eating habits, Idris Elba says that he has always had one of those bodies that never pick up weight even when he eats junk. While there is no special body type that allows you to eat whatever you feel like, he assured the person that was interviewing him that he has established good habits over the years.

Get the Idris Elba Physique: Diet and Meal Plan

He always eats a good breakfast: No matter what, Elba gets in some carbs and protein when he wakes up—usually a healthy cereal type food like oats and eggs. Like all healthy people, Idris believes that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and never misses out on it.

When considering the natural genetic speed of his metabolism as well as the fact that he has spent his whole life exercising, one wonders which came first. Was it the fast metabolism because he was exercising so regularly, or was it the fact that he inherited genes that ensured a fast metabolism? If you are reading this article and you are one of the millions of people that have a genetically slow metabolism and always pick up weight even when you look at a hamburger and fries, you should know that exercise makes a huge difference to the speed of your metabolism.


The purpose of these articles is not only to identify specific routines done by celebrities to achieve physique that mirrors larger than life roles, but it is also to shed light on the methods used by these stars if there is no specific routine. When it comes to the Idris Elba workout, there is not a specific plan that he follows. The key is that he keeps his activity constant. Idris Elba eats clean and is regularly active as he trains in his dojo. If you are looking to achieve a physique like Idris Elba, you should follow these same principles and you will attain the same results.

By Daniel

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