Procrastination doesn’t come about because those major to-do things are difficult, it’s that you find too many excuses for why you can’t or shouldn’t do them. Henrik Edberg writes in the Positivity Blog that people often stand in their own way. If you’re guilty of this, Edberg provides prompts to get you started.

Remove the Mystery

If you keep your goals vague, your ability to push off the task gets greater. If you’re pushing off a certain task because you don’t know enough about it, look it up! Research online for how other people have accomplished the same task. With the mystery removed, you’ll realistically be able to assess things.

>>> New Science Tackles Procrastination, Now

>>> Stop Procrastinating: Productivity Tips

Things Don’t Need To Be Perfect

Once you have a plan, you may be frantic that everything be under your control. Don’t be, fool-proof plans seldom exist. Mistakes happen. Making decisions can be scary, which encourages procrastination. Give yourself a time limit for deciding on minor matters. When thinking over a response to an email, time your action. If you’ve gotten the hang of responding within five minutes, for instance, apply the same strategy to bigger decisions.

Big Goals Don’t Require Big First Steps

A small push toward the big dream is far better than a big bang that never happens. Oftentimes, the thought of a spectacular first-step keeps you from starting at all. Focus on the important first step, no matter how small. Think of the next step that will sustain the first step.

By Daniel

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