Here are 4 easy health fixes that you can do to achieve an overall state of wellness and longevity:

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  1. Disconnect from your inbox. A study released by Science Daily suggests that people who are constantly connected to their inboxes subject themselves to incessant stress, and this is harmful to their physical and emotional health. The stress also impacts the people surrounding them, according to researcher Dr. Emma Russell of Kingston University of London.
  2. Trim the extra weight. Workout to attain weight that is closest to your ideal BMI. Obesity shortens life by at least 4 years; this was the result of a study conducted by CUNY researchers. Making the headlines in the Web MD, the study also links obesity to 20% increase in risk of dying from any health cause.
  3. Take time to enjoy life. Science Daily bannered in its headlines the result of a study that indicates better health among people who are happy with life. A UK study that monitored over 3,000 senior adults in England found a direct link between the respondents’ positivity and enthusiasm with life, and their healthier physical functioning and condition.
  4. Balance your meals and eat less protein. Dr. Virginia A. Apacio, lead researcher of a study conducted at the University of Grenada, said that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables lowers the risk of forming kidney stones and developing renal diseases. According to this finding which made the Science Daily, the high magnesium and potassium content of fruits and vegetables balances the acidity from protein.

They’re not rocket science statements, but rather science-based truths to make you live a more rewarding life. Cheers to a longer and healthier life.

By Daniel

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