should i correct others?

I see a couple of people at my gym who don’t know what the hell they are doing. Their form is way off and I’m waiting for them to hurt themselves. Is it my place to go up to them and correct them and show them the proper form or would I be that guy? – Ryan from Arizona

Alon Shabo

It’s a touchy subject. As a personal trainer, every time I step into a big box gym, I cringe at the majority of the things people are doing. The guys with terrible form are usually the ego-driven lifters and offering to help them is taken personally and offensively. They’re usually type A personalities, so if you want to offer advice, give them a shit sandwich – compliment, advice, compliment. i.e – bro, you’re lifting some beastly weight, Try lifting like this, it will activate more muscle fibers, and bro, we should lift sometime, you’re like so strong bro.

Anthony Yeung


(You’re a conFITdent guy so you do things differently.)

Start a conversation and ask them what they’re doing. Have fun, too. When they’ll tell you what exercise they’re attempting to do, politely add what you know.

“Interesting! Hmm, when I squat, I usually try to __________. Here, give it a try. [Watch them do it with correct technique.]”

Don’t ask. Lead. They will follow.

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By Daniel

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