In recent years, more people have been switching to vegetarianism in the hopes of a healthier lifestyle; many have succeeded. Based on a recent study, however, vegetarians are increasingly prone to chronic illnesses and allergies. Meat-eaters are not experiencing this increase.

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According to Graz Medical University in Austria, people who’ve completely removed meat from their diets will probably suffer more daily health problems. This means that while vegetarians perform well in a broad sense – they’re more physically well, they weigh closer to the ideal BMI, they generally have lower blood pressure – their day-to-day performance falls. In the study, 15,000 vegetarians were randomly surveyed. The surveyed participants included “type A” vegetarians (those who don’t eat meat at all), and “type B” vegetarians (those who incorporate meat into their diets). The survey yielded the following results: 30% of vegetarians under category “A” had allergies, while only 17% under category “B” did. In the same study, reports showed that vegetarians are more prone to chronic illnesses, like heart ailments.

That is why research and health experts suggest that instead of choosing between vegetables and meat, strike a balance between the two. Remember the food pyramid we teaching kids: the Go, Grow, and Glow. It’s time for us to put this pyramid into practice for ourselves. The secret, I believe, is eating all kinds of food in moderation.

By Daniel

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