If you want to impress your date with your cooking skills, why don’t you serve her veggie lasagna? It is delicious and very healthy. It is also perfect, in case your date is a vegetarian. The important thing is to always buy the freshest ingredients that you can find in the market.

Be prepared also to spend a longer time in the kitchen because this recipe requires you to sweat it out in the kitchen, but the result is guaranteed to impress your date and make her fall in love with you. At the very least, you can make her fall in love with your cooking.

It is best if paired with white wine. But before starting cooking the veggie lasagna, study these five tips on how to avoid the common mistakes when making lasagna:

What to avoid:

1)      Do not buy dried noodles. Nothing beats the taste of fresh pasta noodles. It may be time consuming, but the noodles taste a world of difference compared to dried noodles.

2)      When making veggie lasagna, do not use raw vegetables. It will turn your lasagna very soggy once these vegetables release all the juices while in the oven. The way to do it is to char-grill the vegetables. You can use zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, and mushrooms. In that way, the lasagna will not get soggy.

3)      Never place the noodles on a dry container. The way to do it is by spreading a thin layer of marinara sauce on the container before adding the noodles; otherwise, the noodles would get burned if placed on a dry container.

4)      Do not put too much sauce on the top layer or adding very little cheese. The proper thing to do is a balanced amount of marinara sauce and cheese for perfect lasagna.

5)      Don’t under-cook the lasagna. In addition, don’t make the mistake of not considering the heat used. If you do the mistake of doing that, the inside of the dish is still not yet cooked through while the upper layer is already done. Cook it at high heat for 15 minutes, and then cover it with an aluminum foil. Place it inside the oven again and lower the heat and cook for another 45 minutes.

Veggie lasagna recipe:

1)      Make the pasta noodles. Nothing replaces the goodness of freshly-made pasta noodles.

2)      Spoon a layer of marinara sauce on the container, then a layer of fresh noodles. Add a layer of char-grilled veggies and sprinkle some pepper. Add mozzarella cheese. It’s also a good idea to add fresh basil leaves for added flavor since the oil of the basil leaves will blend well with the rest of the ingredients. Afterwards, add a spoonful of ricotta cheese. Repeat another layer, and then top it off with parmesan cheese. The parmesan cheese adds some crunch to the dish.

It is not difficult to make veggie lasagna. It may be time consuming, but the love and effort you put into making the dish would make your woman appreciate the labor of your love. What better way to end the day, but with a home-cooked lasagna, white wine, and the company of the woman in your life?

By Daniel

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