My name is Will Owen, and I’m a humble box mover – as in, I move boxes of paper around for a living. I think there might be more to life than shuffling boxes, and that’s why I started Travel Strong. Last year I finished my degree in law, but quickly realized my real passion is fitness and nutrition.

In September 2013 I’m setting off to travel around SE Asia, Australia and New Zealand for at least 6 months. I’ve worked by ass off the past couple of years to get in the best shape of my life and I’m determined not to see all my hard work go to waste when I hit the road. Not only do I want to maintain my current levels of fitness, but I want to come back in even better shape than when I left.

With no local gym and irregular nutrition, is that too much to ask? Maybe. But that’s where Travel Strong comes in.

Travel Strong is about travelling smart, eating like a king and training like a warrior wherever you are in the world.

Truth be told, I’m not the most qualified writer in the fitness industry, but experience has taught me the methods that work, and the methods that are bullshit. I spent close to a year adjusting my training weekly to the ‘hottest new routine’ and trying every fad diet under the sun. I saw little to no results and eventually came to realise that it doesn’t need to be that difficult.

The same basic principles that have worked for generations aren’t going to change any time soon, and you can take them with you anywhere in the world.

The Philosophy of Will Owen

You might be a businessman going away for the week with access to a good gym, but have no idea how to train. You might be on a family holiday and want to make the most of the crappy hotel gym. Or, like me, you might be going away for months and want to know how to train primarily using bodyweight. Whatever your story, you don’t have to come back in worse shape than you left.

I’m privileged to be writing about what I love for such a great audience. If you ever want to say hello please don’t hesitate to get in touch!


Will Owen

Check out my articles here on Confitdent

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