
It seems like there are new super foods being introduced all the time which is great, but it makes it easy to forget about the familiar ones we already had in our kitchen to begin with. Here are some of the super foods you might have forgotten about, that should definitely still be in your diet.


Broccoli is a great source of iron, calcium, fiber, and even has more vitamin C per serving than an orange does. The antioxidants in broccoli are great for muscle recovery following workouts and the phytochemicals might be able to help keep your storage of body fat low. Broccoli actually has the capacity to aid in hormone balance, which means it can help keep your testosterone levels up.


Blueberries really had a moment coming out as a high antioxidant fruit and they are…but really all berries are incredibly good for you and also super delicious. It’s true that eating massive quantities of berries isn’t a great idea since they do contain natural sugar, but in moderation there is nothing to be concerned about. Berries are a good source of fiber which helps to fill you up and keep your blood sugar stable, and some studies have found that eating berries can actually help your body turn white fat in the body into the better alternative of brown fat. Brown fat burns calories, while white fat does not.


Almonds are still a great source of antioxidants, while being full of protein, fiber, healthy fats, and vitamin E. Again, not something you want to eat by the bucket but eating normal portion sizes of nuts will do your body better than not eating them at all. Peanut butter and almond butter have the same calories breakdown, but almonds are a better source of calcium and fiber.

Black Beans

So average and yet not at all. Black beans are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, copper, iron, Vitamin B-1, manganese, phosphorous and magnesium, in addition to fiber and good carbs to keep you feeling full. Studies have found that black beans can help improve your insulin resistance which might reduce the risk weight gain. Black beans are also a great source of vegetarian protein.


Kale is great and all but so is spinach. Spinach is a good source of beta carotene, calcium, and fiber, while being extremely low in calories and free of sugar and fat. It’s best to eat your spinach raw to get the most health benefits, so toss some into your next salad.

Green Tea

Coffee has its health benefits but it also has its downfalls. (Or potential downfalls, different studies come out all the time.) But green tea had been proven again and again to be great for you. Green tea has cancer fighting compounds and has also been proven to help boost weight loss when you add it to healthy diet and fitness regimen. It also contains less caffeine than coffee, so if you down hot drinks out of habit more than the need for a boost switching it up can help keeps your nerves from getting overstimulated.

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