Ever wonder how to get a girl like “that” to go out with you? It’s a classic dilemma that has been around forever and it has been depicted in countless romantic comedies. What I’m going to share with you is an approach I have found that saves countless hours of pondering different ways it could play out.

It may sound like a broken record to you, but a lot of this comes down to confidence. Sometimes the prettiest girls never get approached becaused most guys are intimidated by them. Hell, if they do get approached – it’s very impersonal and through a friend or social media or something tacky that shows a lack of courage and lack of confidence.

These two steps are very straightforward and aside from telling you what to do, we give you a dose of reality with what not to do. We also break down your chances to really give you some new perspective on why you really should be more confident – the odds are in your favor. Always have been, always will be.

Step One: Grow a Pair

Walk up to her and ask her out. Don’t text, tweet, e-mail or even poke her on Facebook to get the date. Ask her in person or over a phone call. That way you get an immediate response and know exactly what you’re getting yourself into. This saves you the time dealing with the anticipation of her getting your text, tweet, or email and on top of that you won’t have to worry wondering if you’ll ever get a response back.

Step Two: Have a Plan

You need to know what, where, and when you want to take her. Have confidence in yourself and what you bring to the table. For example if you see or spot a woman you are interested in at a pizzeria and she orders a Sicilian pizza, tell her you know the best place to get a Sicilian pizza. Then, suggest that you go there together on Wednesday at six. It’s as simple as that!

Warning: The worst possible thing you can say to a woman is: “Do you want to do something sometime?” This question never expires and demonstrates a complete lack of courage. It’s easy to get a “yes” with this question because there is no follow up in this scenario. So the odds are that you won’t ever hear from her again. Both of you will be waiting for the other to make the first move. So make sure you have that plan and go for it![/box_light]

You’re probably thinking this is ridiculous. Well it’s not and it shows that you are confident in yourself and that you know what you want and aren’t afraid to go after it. It is easy to ask the girl out if you are deliberate and effective with your actions.

You probably have many questions at this point. Like does she have a boyfriend? Is this a bad time for her? Do I even have a chance?If she has a boyfriend she will tell you and if the day or time doesn’t work she will propose something different if she’s genuinely interested. Worst-case scenario you get a “no” and move on. It’s better to know than to look back and think what if. This technique takes out all the games that drive us all crazy.

Stats For The Nerds

  1. There are just under 7 billion people in the world. Let’s be super conservative and say that only half of one percent (0.005) are attractive women that would actually go on a date with you. That would mean 3,500,000 women want you. The more time you spend exercising and reading this site, you can assume that our conservative 0.5% is higher.  How is that for statistics?
  2. If  you ask out a woman, you will either go on a date (50%) or not go on a date (50%). Be confident and play the odds – if you don’t ask for a date, then you are definitely at 0%.

Moral of the Story

Do not be afraid to go after someone you really want to get to know and have confidence that you are worthy of her time. Because you are! Taking the direct approach is admirable in this day of innuendo and games. It’s often surprisingly refreshing and will be sure to catch her off guard.

So give it a shot and let me know how it goes!

By Daniel