
The standard suggestion these days for how much water you need to be drinking is eight glasses, but is that true? Like anything else there are some mixed opinions out there and of course how much water you need will change based on your activity level. Here are some things to keep in mind and some tips for getting more water if you actually need to.

One suggestion is that we need to drink about half an ounce to an ounce of water for each pound you weigh. If you live somewhere where you’re sweating all day long than you would probably want to take that into consideration. Be aware that more water isn’t necessarily better past a certain point, since it is possible to flood the kidneys and experience hyponatremia. When the kidneys can’t process the water the sodium levels in the body can get thrown off and in the most severe cases this can even lead to death. People who experience hyponatremia are generally athletes who are trying to recover, and the risk is not high unless you’re really going overboard.

When you’re trying to add more water to your day it’s helpful to think about why you actually need it. Water of course goes beyond just quenching our thirst and replacing the fluids we lose while we’re going about our day, but it also helps to flush out the body to get rid of bacteria, and carrying nutrients to the cells. Plus, getting enough water can also help to regulate your appetite since we often think we’re hungry when what we’re actually feeling is thirst.

Do keep in mind that not all of your water has to come in the form of a glass. You can also get some of your water through juicy fruits, soups, and teas. If you know you need to drink more water but just aren’t sure how to make yourself do it, you might want to consider infusing some water with fresh fruits. Have you ever had spa water with cucumber and lemon? Yeah, that, but with any kind of fruit you want. It’s pretty easy and when it’s chilled it tastes unbelievable refreshing. This is also a good way to wean yourself off of sodas or juices if you’re a big fan of the sweet drinks.

To infuse your own water you don’t need anything too fancy, just a big jar or pitcher and your chosen ingredients. Place whatever ingredients you want to use inside of the container, muddle them a bit, then fill with water and leave to chill in the refrigerator. You can do this tap water or with sparkling water if you prefer. Some ingredients that work really well at this include cucumber, carrots, celery, berries, any kind of citrus, melons, or other fruit or vegetable that sounds good. You can also add in mint for a cooling feeling, sage, basil, cilantro, or whatever your favorite herbs are. Sounding good yet? There are so many potential combinations that will keep you sipping throughout the day.

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