
What works for weight loss differs a bit for each person, but when you’re trying to shed some pounds cutting out some excess calories from the day is completely necessary. Here are some ways to cut out 500 calories without feeling deprived.

Cut the Booze

Drinking can be great and can be a part of a healthy diet when done in moderation, but alcohol is also a huge source of empty calories. If you have a few drinks at night you might be able to slash some significant calories just by laying off for a bit. Even just cutting down or avoiding alcohol on weekdays can have significant affects on your waistline. Or if you want to drink just be sure to avoid cocktails made with sugary mixers. Go with liquor on the rocks, mixed with soda water, or have a glass of wine instead of that margarita.

Don’t Eat in Front of the TV

Some studies have found that eating in front of the TV can lead you to consume 288 more calories than you would if you were eating mindfully at the table. Try to focus specifically on your food and how you feel as you eat which will let you discover more quickly when you are getting full. Plus if you skip an hour of TV and take a walk instead you can just throw in some extra calorie burn. Interestingly if you can eat off of smaller plates you can trick yourself into eating 20 to 25 percent less food as well, without feeling more hungry or any less satisfied. Our brains don’t really care how big the plates are to begin with, just that they look full.

Make Sure Your Salad is Actually Healthy

Salads can be the star of a healthy diet as long as you’re actually making them healthy. Just because there is lettuce involved it doesn’t mean that you can top them with whatever you want. Top a salad with a dusting of parmesan instead blue cheese crumbles, and avoid heavy toppings like candied walnuts. Instead keep them full of fresh vegetables and either skip the dressing altogether and do a topping of vinegar or use less than you normally would since salad dressing is a huge calorie and fat bomb.

Make Sure Your Snacks Are Portion Controlled

Snack bags like chips or pretzels have many servings in them, even when they look small. So actually sticking to what a serving size is can cut hundreds of calories that you might be consuming when you’re snacking aimlessly. Instead of eating out of the chip bag just put a portion into a bowl and then don’t refill it when you hit empty.

Don’t Eat Your Entire Restaurant Portion

When we eat out restaurants tend to serve us really big portions, especially when it comes to foods like pasta. A serving size of pasta however is only about a cup, which can be a fraction of what you’ll get when you eat out. If you have a tough time stopping when it’s in front of you, you can always ask for a to-go box and wrap half of it up before you even get started.


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