jamie lannister nicolas coster

jaime lannister nikolaj costerAs one of the official cast members of Game of Thrones, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, who plays Jaime Lannister, has to maintain a great physique for his character. Unlike other movie and television actors, he reveals in Details Magazine that he doesn’t like following a strict workout and diet program for the role in Game of Thrones. He prefers to mix everything up into something that will let him enjoy and achieve his goals at the same time.

Having the role of Jaime Lannister, a young lad who constantly fights for the glory of his family, is easy for the 42-year-old Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. With his love for the outdoor activities such as off-road biking, he can still perform challenging roles gracefully which made him a favorite in Game of Thrones (even if the character is a mean and green golden-haired Lannister.)

What Type of Exercises Does He Do?

jaime lannister nikolaj coster

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau aka Jaime Lannister doesn’t follow an official workout program to get fit for his Game of Thrones role. He likes to play with different exercises that involve outdoor activities such as biking, running, and skiing. Since most of these outdoor exercises only provide a good cardio workout, he needs other forms of exercises that he prefers most to be equipment-free.

Here are the exercises included in the official Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Workout and Diet Program:

  • Hand Walkout: Jaime Lannister has a great core. This exercise helped Nikolaj to have great abs which is one of the best feats of his character.

jaime lannister nikolaj costerTo do this exercise in the Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Workout and Diet program, you need to stand on all fours. You need to position your hands below your shoulder and your knees in-line with your hands. The next thing to do is to contract your glutes and abdomen. Try to walk with your hands without moving your knees until your abs get closer to the ground.

Lastly, move back to the starting position slowly. After finishing one set, take a break for a few seconds and try to perform the exercise again. Repeat the sets required in the official program.

  • Spider-Man Pushup: Another exercise that the Game of Thrones star likes to do is the spider-man pushup. Although Jaime Lannister doesn’t walk on walls and sling webs in the series, Nikolaj effectively uses this exercise to target many specific muscle groups in his body.

This exercise in the official Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Workout and Diet program sounds a bit confusing, but it’s very simple to perform. All you need to do is to perform the starting position of a regular pushup. As you go down, you need to lift your left or right leg up and let your knees touch your elbows. This exercise targets the chest, obliques, hips, and butt effectively.

  • Split-Stance Jump: Jaime Lannister is an agile warrior in Game of Thrones (although he got caught by the Stark’s in battle) – you must have great legs to play his role. The official Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Workout and Diet program utilizes this exercise for lower body development.

To perform this Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Workout and Diet exercise, you need to do a split squat (this is the starting position). With one leg bent at front and another straightened at the back, jump as high as you could and switch your legs to perform the starting position again (this time, you legs switch places). Perform the exercise in rapid succession until you reach the number required in the official program.

  • Reverse Warrior Lunges: This is an exercise in the official Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Workout and Diet that works on the lower-body part and provides back pain relief. It is one of the most popular yoga forms used to strengthen legs, improve flexibility, and increase body circulation.

Yoga practice is composed of exercises with poses that must be followed carefully. This will help you get the best results and avoid injuries along the way. So, how does Jaime Lannister perform a reverse warrior lunge?

  1. You need to perform the Mountain Pose first. Stand straight with your feet at hips-width. Your arms must be at the sides of your body.
  2. Keep the distance of your feet from front to back for about 5 feet with your heels aligned.
  3. Perform a lunge and position your arms at shoulder-height.
  4. Breathe outwards and position your hips downwards (this position is called Warrior II).
  5. As you breathe outwards, position your arms upwards
  6. Bring down your left hand, and try to reach the ceiling with your right arm. Perform it while staring at your fingers.
  7. Stay in the position for about 20 breathes and get back to the “Warrior II” position.
  8. Now, repeat the exercise for the other side of your body.

Does Nikolaj Coster Have a Routine?

Although the Jaime Lannister of Game of Thrones doesn’t like to stay in the gym to work out since it usually bores him, he follows a program to keep his muscle form for the role. Aside from these exercises – hand walkout, spider-man pushup, split-stand jump, jumping jack, warrior reverse lunge, and outdoor cardio exercises, he follows a gym-based Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Woktou and Diet plan.

What is Nikolaj Coster’s Routine?

The official three-day Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Workout and Diet plan usually starts up with warm-up exercises including gym ball throws, burpees, and plyometric exercises. This is an example of a Jaime Lannister routine for Nikolaj’s role in Game of Thrones.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Workout and Diet gym exercises:

Barbell Press (Standing Position) | 4-5 Sets / 5-6 Reps

Flat Bench | 4-5 Sets / 5-6 Reps

Bench Press (Decline) | 4-5 Sets / 5-6 Reps

Barbell Bench Press (Incline) | 4-5 Sets / 5-6 Reps

Swiss Ball Roll-out | 2-3 Sets / Reps: to failure

Swiss Ball Sit-up | 2-3 Sets / Reps: to failure

What Did He Do For the Role of Jaime Lannister in Game of Thrones?

jaime lannister nikolaj coster

The official Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Workout and Diet for the role consists of his outdoor activities, equipment-free exercises, and gym workouts. The core exercises he did inside the gym helped him a lot to get rid of his chronic back pain. To perform the role of Jaime Lannister in Game of Thrones, he also had to cut his sugar intake and include lots of chicken and tuna in his everyday meals. His wife also made him a formula to improve his performance in and out of the screen.

By Daniel

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