When you’re at home your snack options are pretty open ended, but at work there’s the whole portability thing to consider. Not to mention, you might prefer taking snacks that you can keep at your desk instead of the community refrigerator where they always seem to go missing. Here are some convenient protein packed options that will also keep you satiated throughout the workday.


Jerky is an awesome work snack thanks to being straight protein and super easy to tote around. There are a lot of options when it comes to the meats, but always go for a brand that doesn’t add in a ton of extra sugar to flavor the jerky. You can also make your own jerky with a dehydrator and some patience, and in that case you can be in complete control of what goes into the marinade.

Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard boiled eggs are another great source of protein that is totally portable. Peel the eggs ahead of time for an even more convenient snack, and just take them in a sealed plastic container so they don’t stink up the office.

Trail Mix

Create your own trail mix and then portion it out in little plastic bags for the week so you have a good idea about how much you’re eating. Almonds are a great nut to add, and you might even try throwing in some roasted pumpkin seeds which are high in protein as well. As for the dried fruit, go with fruit that has simply been dried and not doused in added sugar. It should be plenty sweet on its own.

Tofu Sticks

Slice and bake sticks of firm tofu for a convenient snack option. They can even be used to dip into sides like guacamole or hummus. If that doesn’t sound like a convenient enough snack think about this option. You can actually take a jar or any sealable container and put a serving of your prefered dip in and then just stand the tofu sticks on top. Doesn’t really matter if they fall into the sauce or dip because that’s where they are headed anyway. You can even eat this with a fork straight from the container.

Roasted Edamame

Edamame is another good source of soy protein, and the roasted variety are extremely tasty. You can find packaged edamame that is only flavored with salt and makes a super crunchy snack. You can also make your own by throwing some on a baking sheet and experimenting with how long it takes for them to dry out.

Cheese Platter

Make yourself a cheese platter with cubes of cheese, a couple crackers, some almonds, and a couple grapes and pretend like your desk is actually somewhere much swankier. Finger foods are perfect for work snacking since they don’t require much effort or commitment and can be munched on between phone calls. This high protein mixture will keep you full and curb any afternoon snack machines cravings you usually contend with.

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