
Sorry guys, facts are facts. Research says that wine drinkers have a 34 percent lower mortality rate than beer drinkers. However, there might be some other factors at play here besides the amazing health benefits of wine, such as the other lifestyle choices that the average beer drinker makes as opposed to the winos of the world. That being said, wine does have some pretty awesome health benefits.

Wine Might Be Good For Your Memory

Wine helps to prevent blood clots and inflammation of blood vessels, both of which are pretty positive things for the brain. When women in their 70’s have been studied on cognitive function with memory quizzes, researchers have found that those who are wine drinkers tend to perform better. Other studies have found that people who take resveratrol also retain words better than people who don’t, so it might actually help improve your short term memory.

Wine Drinkers Tend to Be Thinner

People who drink wine on average are at healthier body weights when compared to other types of alcohol. Again, part of this might have to do with lifestyle choices, but part of it is because of the wine. Wine can encourage your body to burn some extra calories for up to 90 minutes after you drink it. Plus, people who crave sweets before bed can actually cut those craving by switching to a glass of wine instead, and slash the fat and calories by skipping a late night snack.

Besides increasing your calorie burn the resveratrol in red wine can actually slightly mimic gym time, with small cardiovascular enhancements.

Wine Can Help Boost Your Immune System

A couple different studies have found that wine helps the body to protect itself from a variety of bacterias. One study found that people who drink a glass of wine each day have an 11 percent less chance of being infected by the H pylori bacteria which has been linked to ulcers. Another study found that drinking wine might cut down on your risks of getting food poisoning when you’re exposed to bacteria like salmonella.

Wine is also a good source of the antioxidant quercetin which has shown to induce natural cell death in certain types of cancers such as colon cancer. The polyphenols that are readily available in red wine can protect against a wide variety of diseases, which is one of the reasons why it’s thought that wine drinkers might get the added health benefits that increase their life span potential. The resveratrol in red wine can cut down the risk of blood clot related strokes by 50 percent by removing the chemicals that cause blood clots to begin with. The tannins in red wine are also known for protecting against heart diseases.

It Might Make You Happier

Alcohol is considered a depressant, and yet some research done in Spain has found that people who drink two to seven glasses of wine a week are less likely to be depressed than people who don’t. These findings seemed to hold up even when they took into account of variety of other factors.

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