jumping jacks

Jumping jacks are definitely one of our favorite workouts to burn fat and get your heart rate pumping. They are a popular workout on military bases, sports teams, civil service training, mixed martial arts, and much more! Although all of these highly credible institutions acknowledge the effectiveness of the jumping jack, millions still spend countless minutes and even hours on treadmills every day. Follow these rules for modifying the classic jumping jack and get more out of every rep – giving you a more chiseled body and the endurance to outlast everybody else.

Enhancement I: The Push-Off

One easy tweak to enhance the jumping jack is to launch off of the tips of your toes as you lift off of the ground. This will strengthen your ankles and the muscles in your feet.  More joint strength is definitely a huge advantage to staying durable and getting more performance out of your everyday workouts.

Enhancement II: The Furnace

To turn your body into a fat burning furnace aim to lift off the ground immediately once your feet land. In doing this, it will cause you to burn more calories and shred the junk and burn the goop out of your belly. Just remember to lift off instantaneously once your body lands on the ground; rather than pausing for half the second as if you were doing a standard jumping jack.

Enhancement III: The Clap

Clapping at the apex of your jumping Jack is a great way to augment this classic move – not only do you mimic more fluid movements for your joints, but this will also help your arms get more toned and will also prevent you from slacking off.

Enhancement IV: Vanity

A huge insider tip when performing jumping jacks is to try to do them in front of something that will show a reflection (try a mirror or a window). Seeing yourself make the movements as you start to break a sweat – revealing the curves in your body will psychologically bolster your performance as you get instant gratification in either noticing strong results OR being reminded of why you’re pushing yourself.

By Daniel

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