approaching women in the gym

Picking up girls at the gym is never easy, is it? If you want to get fit, stay fit, and get a girl in the process, you might actually succeed if you go to the gym. But, this is not a done deal if you just go to the gym and expect to come out with a beautiful woman beside you. You have to know how to approach women in this setting before you actually manage to start any type of relationship with her. Thus, this article will teach you some of the basics in picking up girls at the gym.

In fact, you will get better results if you pick up girls at the gym compared to when you pick them up in bars. Why? The reason is uncomplicated: you see the girl frequently and you have many chances of catching her eye and making a lasting impression. This gives you lots of chances to be noticed by the girl you like, compared to being noticed by a girl you see at once at a club or bar and after she spent hours looking her best (resulting in her having peak confidence). Additionally, the gym gives you more opportunities to see the girl and interact with her, giving you more opportunities to prepare for when you “unexpectedly” see her at the gym next.

Let us be crystal clear up front that if your goal is picking up girls at the gym and not working out or making the gym an important part of your life, you are going to be exposed very quickly. Under all circumstances, girls do not go to the gym to be picked up – they go to exercise. This article is going to show you how to be a nice guy and charming while increasing your chances of having some type of relationship with this girl – nothing more and nothing less.

Rules for Picking Up Girls at the Gym

The first step you need to take when picking up girls at the gym is to look your best. We know you are going to the gym to get work done, not to compete in a beauty pageant – still, you should try to match your clothes and throw out that shirt with the stains on it. Besides, research has shown that if you dress well when going to the gym – it can boost performance. Also, remember to practice good hygiene – never go to the gym without loading up on deodorant. Just take your workout seriously, and take pride in how you look when going to the gym. Hygiene and appearance are a reflection of how somebody takes care of themselves.

Ask her opinion on something, ask if she is a trainer (even if you know she isn’t), make fun of yourself. It’s important to break the ice so that is some familiarity, but right after you do – wish her a good workout and get back to work. You don’t want to be that awkward lingering person at the gym who everyone avoids.

The second step that you must take when picking up girls at the gym is to select a great opener. You can be smooth and suave with your chosen opener so that you don’t scare the girl off, but please stay away from the ridiculously cheesy pick up lines. Firstly, you have to choose a pickup line that is related to what you do in the gym. The act of breaking the ice is more important than how you did it. You can start by saying hi, then asking the girl you like for help on the machine you are using. This works really well if you are new to the gym, so use that fact to your advantage; just keep yourself casual so that you don’t seem desperate. No matter how right or wrong she is doing it, when picking up girls at the gym do not try to give her advice or correct her form, you jerk. When the girl notices you and seems interested in helping you with the machine, you can move on to more interesting lines to get her hooked.

Lastly, know that picking up girls at the gym is not a desperate sprint. The first day of class or work, you aren’t looking to pick up a girl and take her to your room. Girls you see at the gym should be the same. These are girls that you are going to see fairly often, so you want to keep things casual and comfortable. During the small talk that you will have with her, pay close attention to things she likes – this will come in handy when you invite her places outside of the gym (like to that movie she keeps mentioning she can’t wait to see).

In short, you will succeed in picking up girls at the gym if you send the message across that you are a really nice guy. You can attain this by talking to everyone, whether guys or girls. It’s not a popularity contest, but charisma will go a very long way because you need her to be reassured that you are not some creep and she can feel safe around you. This is important as girls feel comfortable with guys who have the ability to be sociable and friendly.

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By Daniel

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