Drunk dialing is stupid, but that doesn’t stop men from doing it. Of course, girls do it too. So, are there really dangers in dialing and talking to somebody when drunk? People who are drunk don’t know what they’re saying, and they potentially drink to release some emotional stress they’re going through. So when you’re depressed and dial somebody, are there really dangers associated with it?

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Potential Problems:

  1. You never call the right person. Because you’re drunk, you can’t read clearly the names on your list. The problem is, you may call somebody else.
  2. The timing is never right. When you’ve called the right person but it’s 3am, do you expect them to be happy about the call?
  3. You’ll never know when to quit. Even when you know she’s not picking up the phone, you still pursue calling. You’ll never know what you’re interrupting.
  4. You don’t know what you’re saying while drunk dialing. Because you’re drunk and not really yourself, you may say things that you really don’t mean.

Tips For Avoiding Drunk Dialing:

  • Download an app on your phone to avoid wrong calls. There are a lot of applications today that can basically prevent dialing while drunk.
  • When you have the app, set up a contact list that’s okay to receive drunk dialed calls.
  • Of course, control your drinking. This is where it all starts. You need to discipline yourself.
  • When you know you’ll be drinking a lot, give the phone to a trusted friend. Tell your friend why, and tell him when you’re allowed to have your phone back. This way, you’ll avoid calling when drunk and calling the wrong people. Let him keep the phone until you’re back to your old self.
  • Delete numbers from your contact list that you don’t want to call by accident. You can write them down, and then put them back the next day. Key numbers to delete are the people who are mad at you or you’re mad at, your significant other, your ex’s, and of course, those who frequently receive drunken calls from you.
  • The last thing you need to do when you can’t really do everything above, is to leave your phone at home. Keep it where it won’t be possible for you to reach when you’re drunk.

Above all, it is never manly to not take responsibility for your own actions. After you called a lot of people, disturbed them and told them things they shouldn’t hear, make it up to them. Apply your social skills and they might just forgive you.

By Daniel

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