“I love you like a little brother.”

“I wish I could find a man like you.”

“I love you as a friend.”

Yeah, you don’t want to hear these things from a woman you fancy. It’s because any of these will lead you to being in what is called the “friend zone”. When you encounter this problem, do you know what to do?

Steps To Avoid the Friend Zone

  1. Don’t make yourself too available. She calls every single night to talk about her dates. Never make it okay for her to wake you up just so she can talk about another man. Don’t make yourself available to be a chaperone on her dates. Never settle.
  2. Don’t wait to make a move. If you spend too long to make a move, you’re well on your way to being in the friend zone. If you really want her, make a move. Bring her out on a date, and not a friendly date. Talk to her about your feelings. It’s good to be open about what you feel. When you already asked her and she refused, time for step 3.
  3. Start seeing someone else. Never leave yourself occupied by her when she doesn’t want to occupy that space. She’ll realize she wants you by the time you’re taken by someone else. This kind of feeling is exciting. Making someone jealous makes them realize your worth, and sometimes it can save the two of you from being in the friend zone.

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Break the Nice Guy Stereotype

Break the “nice guy” stereotype. Most people avoid making other people uncomfortable at their own expense. Don’t be the “forever friend” because you’re the nicest guy they know. Let them know that you’re more than a nice guy. You’re boyfriend material as well.

  • Stop being needy. Never be desperate. You might be too desperate in giving off signals that you are attracted to her. Sometimes, it’s good to see someone else to make you realize that you really want her, and at the same time, make her realize that you’re good for her.
  • Spell the difference between friends and romance. Sometimes it’s hard to differentiate a guy friend and a lover. You may think that you’re making moves as a potential lover, but you’re just showing her that you’re a good friend. Differentiate the two roles and set barriers.
  • Break the touch barrier. There are distinct differences between friendship touch and romantic touch. Learn to touch her romantically, not only physically, but also with words. Of course, be respectful.
  • If she’s not romantically interested in you, move on. If she says she wants to be friends with you, just accept it. Never get jealous or desperate in getting her back, when in the first place, she was never yours.

As you can see, there are many ways to avoid the friend zone. Avoid it and escape it. If you can’t, just accept it and learn from it.

By Daniel

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