Before I begin posting my daily routine, there are a few things you should know.

This 4 week block of training I’ve lowered my training intensity. I’m a huge fan of Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program, and have used it with much success over the last 2 years. However,  during the last two 4 week blocks of 5/3/1, my bench and trap bar deadlift have been stuck. In fact, they’ve been slightly regressing.  So I decided to switch things up slightly, and coax my 5 rep maxes in two new major lifts, and then switch back to 5/3/1 in 4-8 weeks. Thus, this routine doesn’t look real tough. It’s not meant to be. Remember, I’m a hardgainer.

You’ll also see my template looks a lot like an athlete’s training program (movement-based training, total body training, speed, power, and strength work, etc). That shouldn’t be surprising considering my mentors are all strength coaches: Mike Boyle, Mark Verstegen, Eric Cressey, Dan John, Pavel, Joe Defranco, Jason Ferrguggia, and a handful of others. 4 years ago I switched from a bodybuilding-type template to an athlete-type template, and I’ll never go back. Not only have I not lost a single ounce of muscle mass or strength, but I feel like I’m 16 again. I feel, look, AND move so much better.


Training Notes

As far as last night’s workout is concerned, here are a few things to note. I played in two competitive basketball games Friday night (a college league). My last game got over at 10:15 at night. I then had a compounding pharmacy seminar all day on Saturday. Thus, I was going on about 6 hours of sleep. I usually require a lot of sleep (8+ hours per night). Thus, I cut back on the intensity even more than I had planned. I was hoping to work up to 315lbs on the deadlift, but as you’ll see, didn’t. This workout started at 9:45 at night. #dedication

Just the last set of each exercise is noted. I usually try to work up to a max set, as opposed to performing 3-4 sets at the same weight. I’ve had much more success doing that.


Day 1 – Hip Hinge Emphasis

1. Foam Roll:

Quads, Hamstrings, Calves, IT Band, Glutes


2. Movement Prep:

Inchworm Complex, Kettlebell (KB) Goblet Squat, KB Halo, KB Windmill, Med Ball Lunge Matrix, Band Leg Lowers, Overhead Band Wall Squat, Lateral Band Walks, Single Leg Glute Bridge, Hip Airplanes, Band TKEs


3. Power

A1. KB Band Swings 3×5 – 25lbs with green band x5 reps

A2. Underhand Band Pull Aparts 3×20 reps – red bandx20 reps

A3) Skater Jumps with Stick 3×5 – bodyweight x5 reps


4. Strength

B1. 3 “Elevated Sumo Deadlift work up to 5 rep max over 4 weeks – 285lbs for 5 reps

B2. Hip Flexor Box Stretch

B3. Glute Ham Machine Double KB Crunch 3x 10 reps – 60lbs x10 reps

C1. Standing Thumbless Fat Bar Military Press 4×6-8 reps – 145lbsx8 reps

C2. Hip Thrusts 4×6-8 – 285lbsx8 reps


5. Chest Specialization

D1. Cable Incline Press Drop Set 2×8,8,8 – 6,5,4×8 reps

D2. Kneeling Band Overhead Pallof Press 2×10-12 – red band x 12 reps


6. Stretch

If you have any questions about exercises, why I do certain things, etc., just drop me a note!