Hotel gyms can be hit or miss, but when it comes to putting some work in, never discount using your body weight to execute a hotel room workout. Most hotels, from affordable to premium, have some type of fitness center. Whilst this might be the case, even a large facility can pose barriers to your regimen. What if the fitness center is at full capacity? What if the facility lacks the proper tools and equipment needed for your current regimen? What if your company decides to cut the travel budget, unbeknownst to you, and you’re in a roadside trucker motel?

>>> Hotel Room Workout [Fit Travel]

>>> Hotel Room Workout Part II [Fit Travel]

>>> Fall Travel Tips: Bulletproof Immune System

As a man of wisdom and professionalism, you will be prepared for such situations. You have goals – you have a system that will be executed. The Hotel Room Workout is a system, a carefully crafted program just for you and your unwavering drive.

The Hotel Room Workout

Hotel Room Workout: Fat Burning Edition

Maintaining the theme of efficiency and effectiveness, Part III of the Hotel Room Workout series is the most intense and the most strategically-programmed installment yet.  You don’t need a line of rusty and robotic cardio machines to burn fat on the road—all you need is your body, roughly 15 minutes, and a sickening drive to get shredded.

*Each round should be immediately followed by a one minute recovery period where you simply run in place.

(1A) Mountain Climbers


hotel room workout


Description: Begin in a standard push-up (hand plank) position and/ or a “sprinter’s start” position.  Quickly drive one leg forward and the other leg back into full extension, a movement pattern similar to split squat jumps, and repeat this alternating movement with the same tempo.

Repetitions: One Minute

Sets: 3

(1B) Jumping Jacks

hotel room workout

Description: Begin standing upright.  Jump and move your legs laterally while reaching your arms overhead, touching the finger tips of each hand together.

Repetitions: One Minute

Sets: 3

(2A) Prisoner Jump Squats

hotel room workout

Description: Begin with the hands behind the head (hence, “prisoner”) and lower to a standard parallel squat.  Forcefully ascend from the parallel squat and jump as high as possible.  Land softly and immediately repeat the movement pattern.

Repetitions: Thirty Seconds

Sets: 2

(2B) Alternating Bird Dogs/ Yoga Plexes

Description: Begin on “all fours” with a neutral spine.  Extend one arm straight overhead and fully extend the opposite leg.  Slowly return to starting position and repeat the movement pattern with opposite limbs.

Repetitions: Thirty Seconds

Sets: 2

(2C) Rapid Bridge Marching

Description: Begin in a static bridge position.  From this position, lift one leg and drive the knee towards the chest.  Maintaining this static bridge position, alternate legs and repeat the afore-mentioned movement pattern.

Repetitions: Thirty Seconds

Sets: 2

(Bonus Finisher) TRX Suspension Trainer– Modified Burpee

Description: Most men have heard of Burpee Jumps and many have performed them to exhaustion.  This long-time fat burning and conditioning staple has taken on a whole new definition with the evolution of TRX Suspension Training.  In its simplest form, the TRX Suspension Trainer Burpee maintains the traditional movement pattern but actually elevates one foot via the Suspension Trainer foot strap.  With one foot securely placed in the foot strap, lower yourself into a standard push-up position, perform a standard push-up, bring the suspended knee towards the chest, return the opposite foot to starting position, and perform a single leg jump– safely land and immediately repeat the movement sequence.  One unique selling point (of many) is that you can bring the TRX Suspension Trainer virtually anywhere, from your gym to your hotel room.

Repetitions: 15 Burpees each leg

Sets: 1

The Bottom Line

Like any training program, your effort and attention to detail are paramount. For optimal results, the exercises within each installment should be completed in the order they are listed, in a steady tempo, and with proper form. Maintenance is not the goal with each installment of The Hotel Room Workout – ConFITdent men aim for progress and you define that for yourself.

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