Most people will tell you that it is so much easier to dress up tall and slim people. If you are vertically challenged, there are ways on how you can look taller by wearing the proper clothing. There are certain styles of clothes that you need to stay away from because it will all the more emphasize your height. Below are some tips and tricks on how to look a little taller than you actually are.

Monochromatic Tones

By removing contrasting colors of pants and shirts, you can make yourself look longer because it de-emphasizes the height and there is a linear continuity in color. So if you will wear brown pants, wear a shirt that belong to the same color scheme, let us say, color beige. People will tend to see you as taller than you actually are because of monochromatic colors.

Look taller by not experimenting with color combinations. Even if you are the adventurous type when it comes to clothes, always try to stay away from mix-matching color combination.

Darker Pants

Avoid wearing a light-colored pair of pants with a darker shade of shirt. Instead, wear dark pants with a lighter shade of shirt. In this way, people will first notice the lower part of your body before moving their gaze upwards. This creates a lengthening effect and gives an illusion of extra height.

Avoid Patterns

Summer prints and patterns are the in-thing during the summer months, but do not be tempted to go with the flow because these designs will only emphasize your lack of height. Avoid also the bright colors and be conservative instead when choosing the colors for your clothes. So if you want to look taller, be a minimalist and refrain yourself from wearing bright and patterned clothing for men.

Vertical Lines

You can wear shirts with thin vertical lines, as opposed to the thick vertical lines. This will give an illusion of extra height. You can pair these shirts with vertical lines with a darker shade of trousers so you would look sleeker and taller.

Wear Close Fitting Clothes

Look taller by wearing clothes that are close to the body. Be careful though not too wear too tight pants and shirts because they will all the more make you look shorter. Choose pants that fit you well – the one that is not loose in style. Same is true for the shirts, avoid wearing oversized shirts or those with arm seams that look like will fall off from your shoulders.

Find a Good Tailor

Get yourself a good tailor because he knows the perfect fit for a vertically-challenged person like you. A good tailor knows exactly as to where the bottom of the pant leg should end, where the arm seam should crest, and where the sleeve should end. He can make you a perfect trouser and polo shirt so you will look taller than you actually are.

Those are the tips to follow when choosing clothes for someone who is lacking in height. If you cannot wear ready-to-wear clothes, there is always the reliable tailor to help you.

By Daniel

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