Recently coming to light as one of the main characters in the movie saga Twilight, Kellan Lutz is one of Hollywood’s coming out stars. Since the recent movies, Kellan Lutz has trained his body to make sure that it is in top shape. As he was already working as a model, it was no problem for him to do such a thing. Here are the basic things that he did to become physically fit.

Did He Have a Routine?

Yes, he did have a routine. It is known now as the Official Kellan Lutz Workout and Diet routine, wherein he follows a certain schedule of exercises and eating habits. All of it was carefully selected to make sure that he burned the fat off his body and toned his muscles to great effect. Besides the fixed routine, Kellan Lutz is also fond of doing sports, such as swimming and hiking, giving him the extra edge to his overall physique.

What Was His Routine Made of?

The Official Kellan Lutz Workout and Diet routine is made of two general parts. One is a workout schedule that is filled with the relevant exercises that help get his body into the shape he needs it to be. The other is a carefully planned diet, the food from which was individually chosen to make sure that his health is good and that his body is able to keep up with the demands from his overall workout habits.

What Sort of Exercises Did He Do?

Kellan Lutz did various types of exercises in the Official Kellan Lutz Workout and Diet exercise routine. Each separate workout started off with several minutes of pure cardio training, which not only acted as a sufficient warm up but also to make sure that his internal organs stay fit and healthy as well.

It is then followed by a series of exercises, each one made up only of one set each and with about a minute worth of break between each. Some of the exercises that Kellan Lutz did include the following:

Push ups

One of the most basic forms of exercise, it is also the easiest exercise found on the Official Kellan Lutz Workout and Diet exercise routine. It is simple enough that even the most basic of exercise enthusiasts will be able to perform it. The general idea of how it works is that the person concerned raises and lowers their body from the ground while balancing only on their hands and the tips of their feet. Although it has such a small action, it works on many muscles of the body all at once.

Reverse crunches

Opposite of the standard crunches seen in gyms, the reverse crunches are performed while lying down on the floor. It is executed by the person lifting their legs, with the knees bent at a ninety degree angle, before using the entire hip area to further lift them into the stomach. Slow repeats and careful movements make this exercise technique very effective for abdomen and leg muscles.

Goblet squats

This exercise is an expected one for the Official Kellan Lutz Workout and Diet exercise routine. Performed with the use of a dumbbell, it is done by holding the weight cupped in front of the chest. The person then squats down slowly before coming back up, all the time keeping the head facing forward and their back naturally straight without being rigid. It is a great exercise for the thighs, but is still enough to positively affect other muscles, including the triceps and the calf muscles.

Explosive push ups

Similar to the normal pushups that are also listed in the Official Kellan Lutz Workout and Diet exercise routine, the explosive pushups are done in basically the same way as the normal pushup. The only difference is that when the person pushes up from the floor, he or she exerts enough force that he or she raises their body high enough that their hands leave the floor. It exercises as much muscles as the normal pushups but works them to a greater extent.

Incline barbell bench press

This is one of the few exercises in the Official Kellan Lutz Workout and Diet routine that involves the use of a slightly more complicated piece of equipment. To do the inclined barbell bench press, the bench is elevated to a maximum of thirty degrees. The person lays on it and performs the standard barbell bench press. The benefit of doing this instead of the normal barbell bench press is that the inclination allows the person to work significantly more muscles, giving a better overall workout.

One of the tips that make up the Official Kellan Lutz Workout and Diet routine is that when it comes to exercising, it is best to do those that work out large numbers of the muscles at once. Not only does it give the body a better overall worked out feel, but it also ensures that the whole body is being trained properly, making the workout effects look more natural and nice to look at.

What Did His Diet Consist of?

Like many Hollywood made diets, the diet part of the Official Kellan Lutz Workout and Diet routine is well balanced and consists of numerous meals that are spaced out during the day, leaving only two or three hours in between. Such a meal schedule forces the body’s metabolism to keep working, thus making sure that every fat and extra calorie is burned up. It also makes sure that Kellan Lutz does not get hungry, thereby preventing any problem of overeating.

The diet is mainly protein rich food, such as lean meats and eggs. Daytime snacks consist of either fresh fruits or vegetables, while nighttime snacks are only hard boiled eggs, which give him extra protein to digest while he sleeps.

The Official Kellan Lutz Workout and Diet routine has a diet plan that is well balanced. The meals may be small, but regular eating of them makes sure that Kellan Lutz is able to fuel his body enough to build the lean muscles that he is famous for. Among his favorite food to have while working out, besides that standard protein shakes, is oatmeal. It is filling and full of useful nutrients, including protein and carbohydrates, and very easy to get a hold of.

By Daniel

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