
During the holiday season in particular travel is likely for a lot of us, and nothing threatens to throw off a workout routine like being in a new environment. That doesn’t mean you should let it go however, even if it takes a little extra motivation to get the work done. Here are some ideas about how to keep up your workouts when you’re on the go.

Schedule it Into Your Day

If you don’t make specific time for a workout when you’re traveling then it has a tendency to not happen. There is generally plenty of other fun things to do when you’re on vacation or surrounded by people. Just set a phone alert or something and be willing to wake up a few minutes early if it will make the difference between getting in a workout or not. When you schedule it and make it as routine as possible, it’s a lot harder to skip it than when it was never in the plan to begin with.

Get Creative

In the best of circumstances you’re staying at an awesome hotel that’s equipped with a state of the art gym. And then there are those times where you’re sleeping on your mom’s couch in small town middle of nowhere. In those circumstances getting creative is going to be your best bet.

Using your bodyweight as resistance instead of relying on free weights or weight machines can be a big help. Think more about the moves that you can do without any weights, such as pushups, planks, lunges, squats, sit ups, jumping jacks, etc. There is a lot more that you can do with just your body than you might expect when you’re used to having gym equipment at your disposal.

Unless you’re somewhere snowy or something, running outside is usually an open option. Even if your space is limited to run drills by doing sprints and alternate them with some of your push-ups or other resistance moves.

If you have an interest in progressing while you’re on the road, you might want to get in the habit of writing down the workouts that you do accomplish and how you feel when you’re done with them. This can also serve as a good reminder when you’re tired and running out of ideas but really want to get in a workout. Keep in mind that even increasing your set amounts by a little bit can help to keep you ahead on the road.

Stick to a Healthy Diet

As boring as it can sound, sticking to a healthy diet while traveling can be just as important if not more than keeping up a workout routine. Things can go sour pretty quickly if you adopt some unhealthy eating habits. If you’re dining out for business or something, look at the menu ahead of time and decide what some healthy options might be. When you’re with friends and family you can suggest healthy spots, or even cook for them. Packing your own snacks on travel days will ensure that you stay full and avoid empty calorie snacks on the road.


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