
Love them or hate them, new dating apps are just continuing to pop all the time. One of the newer options on the market is an app called Sweatt, that is aptly named and specifically made for being in the fitness community. If you’re looking for a girl who shared your sensibilities when it comes to the gym, this might be the way to do it. (So far the app is exclusive to New York city, but like the others you can expect this to change pretty quickly.)

How it works is that users answer questions based on their lifestyle, wellness, and exercise habits, and then the app tries to pair people up based on those answers.

The founder Dan IIani found that some of the other apps out there just weren’t delivering in terms of realistic connections. He says:

“What I realized was missing from the experience that  was having was not just finding people with shared interests, but really people with a shared mindset. That’s an interesting filter that is harder to come by these days. In the last decade or so, fitness has gone from becoming fit to a culture and a lifestyle.”

The app itself will look a little more like Instagram that other dating apps you might be used to, although it will function in a similar manner.

“Some of the questions we ask you are your favorite time of day to work out and your average frequency of workouts per week, and behind the scenes we use those calculations to make some guesses about your overall lifestyle and offer good quality options.”

Types of workouts that you like will be taking into account as well. But this style of matching people up does some things into question, like whether this makes sense if you’re not specifically looking for a girlfriend that can double as a running buddy. After all, a lot of men and women are into different types of fitness so it’s unclear how exactly this would play out. For another thing, you already got the gym where some of these girls might be, so it seems like you would end up getting a lot of matches with people who you already know and aren’t interested in, or that you’ve already been involved with.

Then again, if you live in a big city where speciality gyms are every single street corner than it might be a good way to introduce you to some new faces. There is some research out there that suggests that couples who workout together have a better chance of making it in the long haul. Psychology Today reports that couple who work today can create that feeling of a shared experience that goes a long way towards developing loving, bonded feelings. Relishing in those shared experiences, can make couple feel more satisfied with their relationship overall. You might even workout a little harder when there’s someone around that you feel like impressing.

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