Muscle Building Benefits of Squats for Guys

Muscle building time! Talk about excuses: I’ve got a bad back. My knees are shot. It’s torture on my neck… yadda, yadda, yadda. You’d think the gym was hosting the local octogenarian crochet convention the way grown men whine like old women when it comes time to get under the rack. You’d figure that after all these years, they’d finally have it worked out – if you want to be a semi-buffed showboat, whine away – but if you want to be a bodybuilder, shut up and squat!

Why It’s Good For Building Muscle

There really isn’t that much involved in squatting. All you’re doing is going down into a sitting position and then standing up again – with a little resistance thrown in. Yet this simple movement is the most productive thing you can possibly do if you want to pack muscle onto your frame. Why? Because it works your entire body while giving you a damn good cardio workout. Unlike most upper body functional strength movements, the squat involves more than one prime mover and many synergists. The result, if you apply consistency and progressive resistance, is more muscle and less fat. Now, we could list virtually every muscle group in your body when it comes to squat stimulation, but here are the prime movers.


By Daniel