A man should do an annual physical examination, especially once you reach the age of thirty. It is the only way you can detect if you have some underlying conditions that need to be addressed. Ideally, you should get an executive check-up annually; however, you can do-it-yourself if you have no time to go to a hospital. If you notice anything unusual, do not hesitate to have a thorough medical examination as soon as possible.

Perform these self-examinations on a monthly basis, and if you notice something unusual, go to a wellness center immediately.

DIY Doctor Check Up


You can say so much about your health through your eyes. If you see any yellowish in color, you could be having some liver problem. If your lower lids look pale and white, you could be anemic and you might need some ferrous sulfate supplements to solve the problem. The ideal presentation of your lower eyelids must be pinkish in color. If you notice a grayish film, it is a sign of cataract.

Blood Pressure

If you do not have any automatic blood pressure measurement apparatus, go to a drugstore and choose among the various models in the market. It is not very expensive and it is an indispensable gadget that you should have. As much as possible, measure your blood pressure upon walking up at a very relaxed state. If it is higher than 120/80, it could be a sign that you may have some heart problem or you are hypertensive. If it is very low, you could be anemic. Blood pressure can tell so much about your physical condition.

Testicle Examination

One of the physical examinations that you could do yourself is to check for signs of testicular cancer. Hold your testes between your thumb and forefinger and gently roll it, feeling for some lumps, bumps, or any abnormalities. Do this monthly and if you notice any change, see a doctor. The symptoms to watch out for are a lump that is painless, any enlargement of the testes, and an ache in the lower abdominal area.

Check Your Gums

If you notice that your gums bleed every time you brush your teeth, do not take that for granted. You could have gingivitis. Check for the color. A healthy gum must present itself as pinkish in color. If it appears grayish in color or looks swollen, you could have a bacterial infection. Checking your gums is one of the important physical examinations that you can do yourself.

Check Your Nails

If you have pale nails, it could be a sign that you have a diabetes or liver problem. If you have yellow or thickened nails, you have a fungal infection that needs to be seen by a doctor. Topical medicines may work, but for advanced stages, you need to be prescribed with an antibiotic. Also having dark lines is one of the early symptoms of melanoma.

Always have a physical examination that you could perform at home. Check for anything unusual. If you notice something out of the ordinary, go to a medical doctor immediately.

By Daniel

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